The next step in your hospitality career begins here
You must successfully complete a total of 120 credit hours to earn the IU Indianapolis Tourism, Event, and Sport Management BS degree majoring in hospitality. A maximum of 60 Ivy Tech credits may be transferred and will be applicable to the degree, with a minimum of 60 credits completed at each institution to meet requirements.
General education courses may be taken at either school. Students must consult with academic advisors to finalize coursework transferability and financial aid impact. Courses below a C, plus credit earned through exams, will be reviews by IU Indianapolis. Be sure to select the correct major when applying for admission (Tourism, Conventions, and Event Management—an IU Indianapolis advisor will help you declare your hospitality major).
Core courses
You must complete core courses (27 credit hours) in subject areas such as:
- facility management
- career & leadership principles
- sales
- data exploration
- internship
- writing
- creative design
Some of these classes will be taken during your time at Ivy Tech; others will be taken at IU Indianapolis (research, career & leadership principles, and facility management).
Business foundations certificate
Along the way, you will earn a business foundations certificate from the Kelley School of Business. These requirements will be completed fully at IU Indianapolis. This 21-credit-hour certificate will help you understand business operations with classes in areas such as:
- human resources
- accounting
- finance
- marketing
- business operations
Other required courses
At IU Indianapolis, the rest of your coursework will include work in these areas:
- lodging management
- food and beverage operations
- risk management
- strategic management in hospitality
- revenue and finance in hospitality
- industry internship
- entrepreneurship in hospitality
The opportunity to double major in sport management, tourism, or event management exists, but will add time to your studies taking required courses for your second major.
Up to 15 credit hours for prior and current experiences may be available. Talk to an SHHS advisor to learn more and plan accordingly.