From application to graduation, these procedures and forms will serve you during your time as a student in the School of Health & Human Sciences.
Everything you need to succeed

Admission forms
Declare a major
To declare a major within the School of Health & Human Sciences, you will first need to meet with an SHHS advisor. You can schedule an advisor meeting by emailing
Declare a certificate or minor
Complete this form to add a certificate or minor to your undergraduate curriculum. This form applies to all students who want to declare a certificate or minor from one of our eight academic departments.
Request credit for prior learning (TESM only)
Use this form to earn credit for current or prior work experience
Course permission forms
HPER, HLSC, KINE, NTRD, and TESM courses
Use this permission form for courses labeled HPER, HLSC, KINE, NTRD, and TESM with the exception of internship and college camp courses.
Internship courses
All students completing an internship course must complete a form before registering for an internship course.
Apply for the Honors Program and Commencement
Apply for the Honors Program
Advance your educational experience to the next level by applying to the SHHS Honors
Apply for graduation
Find information and learn how to apply for Commencement, the SHHS recognition ceremony, and the annual SHHS reception.
Policies and procedures
IU Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct
Review this code that outlines your responsibilities as a student.
Following dismissal from SHHS students may complete the online reinstatement petition.