Find your campus home with housing at IU Indianapolis. Our campus offers several housing options, including one specifically designated for first year School of Health & Human Sciences students. Located in University Tower, the SHHS student housing comes packed with amenities, making it a value-packed housing option.
Welcome to your home on campus
9thfloor view of campus and the downtown Indianapolis skyline
24 hour access to security, housing staff, and more
36fellow first-year students and an upper classroom resident assistant from SHHS
+all the amenities—dining options, free laundry, and more located in the tower

Apply for on-campus housing
Housing at IU Indianapolis will fill up, so apply early for the best chance of getting your preferred housing assignment.
Start your housing application
Discover off-campus housing
There are off campus options that you can consider, including those in the downtown area near campus.
Take a peek at other housing options