Goal #1: Recruit a diverse student body which is at least proportionate to Indiana’s representative population.
Identify sources and develop funding to increase the number and amount of scholarships, fellowships, and assistantships offered by SHHS to address the high level of unmet need. Responsible parties: Development director, director of finance and administration; director of student engagement and success, chair of the SHHS scholarship committee Timeline: Fall 2021
Increase SHHS presence and support at pipeline high schools and colleges with diverse student bodies and community events supporting diverse populations; for example, Fiesta de la Familia and Indiana Black Expo. Responsible parties: Admissions counselor, marcom director, university Office of Community Engagement Timeline: Ongoing
Leverage faculty community engagement to attract a diverse student body. Responsible parties: Department and program chairs; admissions counselor; associate dean of faculty affairs, marcom director Timeline: Ongoing
Review recruiting and admissions materials and processes to assess need to modify areas prone to implicit bias or which could limit inclusion of traditionally underrepresented groups. Responsible parties: Department and program chairs, admissions counselor, marcom director Timeline: Ongoing
Positive change in underrepresented student enrollment over time
Goal #2: Retain, recognize, and graduate a diverse student body.
Develop proactive outreach to specific student populations (for example, underrepresented minority and first generation) to support the success of our students. Responsible parties: Director of student engagement and success; campus affinity groups Timeline: (not determined)
Develop faculty and staff to support a diverse student body within the classroom by: - encouraging use of methods to provide ongoing and positive course feedback for students - identifying faculty teaching gateway and entry-level or first semester courses which provide training, tools, support, and communication regarding school-wide initiatives for student success. Responsible parties: Department and program chairs, department curriculum committees, staff directors, associate dean of faculty affairs Timeline: Fall 2021
Align personnel and financial resources to reduce or eliminate barriers to access and success. Responsible parties: Director of finance and administration, dean, director of student engagement and success, development office Timeline: Ongoing
Foster a culture of data-informed decision-making regarding resources and support. Responsible parties: Dean, SHHS leadership team, director of finance and administration, institutional research and decision support Timeline: Ongoing
Nominate SHHS students for diversity awards, leadership training programs, and scholarships offered on campus to celebrate accomplishments in diversity, equity, and inclusion (for example, the Office for Women; The Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural Affairs; and The Multicultural Leadership Empowerment Program). Responsible parties: Department awards committees, department and program chairs, faculty, SHHS DEI Committee Timeline: Ongoing
Retention and attrition rates
Progression and graduation
Culture and climate survey results
Number of student award nominations submitted and awarded annually